Funeral Cover

Funeral Cover is very affordable for most people, and there are some great benefits which differ from Life Insurance.  Have you ever heard of the family raising funds to pay for someone’s funeral, or even start a give a little page because there is no money to pay for a funeral?

Funeral Cover Benefits

There are some unique benefits to funeral cover that you do not get with standard life insurance, and it is vital to understand the difference.  However, if you can get what we call fully underwritten life insurance, then that is what you should do. Still, there are circumstances where you may not be able to get Life Insurance such as medical history. Or you may have some other medical condition that makes it too expensive to get Life Insurance, or you may not be able to get it at all.

  • If you die by anything other than accident within the first 24 months of taking your policy out, the claim is not paid, but all your premiums are refunded, but you are fully covered if you die by accident.
  • No medical underwriting or tests.
  • Acceptance is automatic, with no health assessment required if you are aged between 55 and 85 years old.
  • Once your policy is in place, your cover and your premiums are guaranteed for life.
  • Some insurers will allow you to increase your insured amount every five years, depending on the insurer.

The above benefits may differ from each insurer, so make sure you contact us so we can find the right cover for you and your family.

Please don’t leave it to someone else.

Someone always pays.  Whether it is the insurer or your family, someone always pays, so the best way to ensure you do not leave your last expenses as a burden to your family is to take out Funeral Cover. It is affordable for most people, and you can get automatic acceptance, so it is easy to get with no fuss. Contact us today to discuss the right type of cover that suits your budget. funeral cover